The Town of Fort Macleod requires all resident businesses (located in Fort Macleod), non-resident businesses (coming into Town to do work but located somewhere else), hawkers, peddlers, and vendors to have a current Town of Fort Macleod business license.
Business licenses run from January 1st to December 31st and are due at the end of January.
All NEW business license applications are reviewed by the Planning & Development Officer prior to being approved and issued.
If you operate a business in Fort Macleod but also do work in the surrounding area, the Regional Business License may be of interest to you. Businesses from outside the Town of Fort Macleod that have a Regional Business License are covered to work in our municipality.
For more information on the Town's Business License Bylaw.
To complete a Business License Application for Fort Macleod, please click on the link below:
If you conduct business with the town and wish to set up your business for direct deposit via EFT, please complete the form below:
Direct Deposit Authorization for Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)